Soulful Leadership Coaching for women who are ready for
a new way

Robin’s Empowered Platform will align you with the truest version of yourself to uplevel your innate strengths and
impact in the world.

Do you know how incredible
you are?

If you’ve landed here, you are probably a leader in some way. You might be ambitious and want to leave the world better than you found it. You are also probably operating at max capacity, because it takes a lot of work to hold everything together.

As a woman leader in a society that favors masculine energy, you have untold strengths to tap into. A lot of the current leadership advice out there focuses on pushing, striving, and controlling the outcome…but what if you don’t have to work harder to achieve everything you want? What if it could actually be easy? Sometimes all it takes is realignment and a supporting framework.

Alignment is the key to your power. Not pushing yourself harder.

Imagine leading with clarity and confidence.

Imagine having enough energy to do everything you want to do in life, and more.

Imagine making fearless decisions from your own intuition, because you know who you are and what’s best for you.

My role is to support you like you never knew you always wanted. Curious?

It’s time for a new way.

Outstretched hand in front of tall green grass

How would it feel to embody courage and a sense of calm strength in the face of challenges?

What if you (and your team) knew just the right times to do your best work, ignite creativity, manifest intentions, AND the best times to rest and release what is no longer serving you?

What if energy-management felt easy—empowering you to navigate your days in a way that works for you, not against you?

What if when you felt stuck, you knew exactly how to center and access your inner knowing to find every answer you need?

Ready to level up?

There is so much clarity, confidence, and ease waiting for you—this is just the beginning.

A top down view photo of Robin Berg writing in a turquoise lined notebook
Front on view of Robin Berg writing in a turquoise lined notebook
Robin Berg fanning out a deck of Oracle cards and pulling out a single card
  • Working with Robin created strong yet supportive boundaries for me to quiet all the noise and distractions in my life, distill the essentials, and trust myself to craft a new way of living and leading that honors what’s most important to me.

    Steph J. — Consultant

  • Through doing Soulful Leadership coaching with Robin, I have come to really know and trust myself. I feel calm, empowered, and like life is simpler; I believe in myself, and my new mantra is “let it be easy.”

    Jordan B. — Creative Entrepreneur

  • I now have greater clarity and the confidence to follow my own instincts. Robin has a gift for asking just the right questions to help me see things in a different way. After my work with Robin I had greater clarity and confidence to confirm the direction I want to go.

    Rita H. — Entrepreneur & Inventor

  • I'm so excited to tell you how our conversations have helped me in the last few weeks. I’ve really felt more alive than I have in months. And I believe that has everything to do with our discussions, your encouragement and how both have helped me to fuel this new focus on what’s important to me.

    Katy C. — Non-Profit Foundation Director

  • My view of a good day is different. The hamster wheel was getting me nowhere. Now, I'm conscious of the things I'm doing, and the goal is to enjoy what I'm doing while I'm doing it. I used to work like crazy on something, hoping that some "future" outcome will bring happiness later. The time to be happy is right now, and if there's also a positive future in it, even better.

    Nancy S. — Engineer

  • Robin taught me a new way of thinking that helped me validate my intuition and create big-time trust in my work as an artisan!

    Astrid K. — Graphic Designer

  • My work with Robin was a powerful experience. I was amazed at how much ground we covered in a short amount of time. I attribute this to Robin's insightful, provocative questions that helped me quickly elucidate my vision for my life and the obstacles that have kept me from realizing it. Plus, it was fun!

    Kim W. — Marine Scientist & Education Program Manager

  • Robin helped me start living the life I want NOW, instead of just thinking about it.

    Amye B. — Marketing Coordinator

Portrait of Robin Berg leaning back against a bridge railing with blurred green trees in the background

I’ve always aspired to evolve myself, seeking my meaningful purpose in life. I’m honored and grateful to say that I found it in 1999!

I was working at my dream job and I was really good at it…but I knew that I wasn’t happy, and I wasn’t sure why. I was also feeling nudges that I wasn’t on the right path. In a move that was equal parts scary and liberating, I decided to start trusting that nudge—my intuition. I took a wild leap and began an unconventional career in the coaching world, which was in its infancy back then. Delight and awe have followed ever since.

Now I rely on my intuition. Unequivocally.

Once I learned to listen to all the little soul nudges for guidance, I could see the right (for me) choices clearly and it changed everything. I want this for you, too.

I’m Robin Berg.

Founder and CEO of Soul Moxie

Soul Moxie was born out of the intense belief that we all possess unique gifts and talents that, when activated, create a deep sense of internal confidence and fulfillment.

When leaders tap into this, their positive impact is exponential and transformational.

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Insight Timer